Perks of Opting for Thematic Investing
People who are fond of and are most of the times indulged in making investments re aware about the importance of Index Maintenance . Blockchain Index has grabbed the attention of many in recent times. Mostly, people these days get attracted towards thematic investing; therefore we are going to discuss the Perks Of Opting For Thematic Investing here. Theme based investment Thematic investments do not share any common traits with either generic portfolios or the mutual funds as the latter two are over-diversified. On the contrary, thematic investments basically refer to the investments that are diversified in a narrow array of stocks suitable to the theme’s investment logic. These are known to even outperform the equity benchmark returns. One of the good things about such investments are that these are relatively independent and are not affected by the economic cycles. The underlying structural trends help the investors to benefit a lot in the long run in addition to this the in...